Creative Writing
Two energies come together
like a tea cup
just cool enough to press firmly against an open palm.
but not a blanket,
not just thrown over you and tucked in at the corners.
An active entanglement that grips and protects,
that calms and warms,
that syncs.
Connections forged
Accepted and branded through muscle memory,
adjusted and then settled like puzzle pieces.
A white flag
that admits too much and apologizes too little
The intimate tale of exposure
To be vulnerable
To be weak
To wrap yourself into another who wraps themselves into you.
In a crack in the wood on the floor to her right, she wedged a stick of incense at an angle that wouldn’t risk her sheets catching fire. Shifting the water to her left side, almost exactly covering her old water stain, and the crystal right in front of her knees, she created a circle, that she stood up and sat in the middle of. She sat comfortably still facing the open window. She couldn’t see out of it, but she’d memorized that view by moonlight and daylight for as long as she was tall enough to see through it. Occasionally, a car would ride by creating a gust of air that always seemed to find and rustle the longest hairs on her head. She used to hang chimes there, but not everyone likes chimes.
“Yemi. I’m home.”
She twitched and opened her eyes. His voice wasn’t even loud but it filled the space and carried throughout as if the walls’ loyalty personally carried it to each corner.
“I’m coming!” she called back. Her voice instead divided, half carried out the window while the other half swallowed by the old wood. She quickly grabbed a match and struck the side of the box—overcoming the gray blend with orange blaze. She bowed to the fire and lit the incense, allowing the breeze to blow it out naturally. The smell of vanilla wafting gently to start as the flame evens out. Yemi unfolds a piece of paper and shifts it toward the moon streak so that she can see.
With the guidance of air
I become light and blow
From this place, find me a home
And let me go
She whispered the chant more forcefully the second time, looking up to the window. From her angle she could see stars, a few wispy clouds and every color between dark blue and black. “Let me go” she repeats into the wind and closes her eyes.
nGage the Page
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Freelance: Your Words At Their Best
My goal is to bridge the gap between ideas and execution. I make the steps of the writing process accessible, break them down so that the writing goals become achievable. My skillset is geared to effectively communicate on behalf of others in a way that is clear and cohesive without compromising the voice and/or brand.
Including—Book Reviews, Academic Articles, Resumes, Content Creation